CAD Suggestion: Dispatch Panel

Stefano S. F-44

New member
Overall Suggestion: Create a "Call Archive" place where a dispatcher can search a call number to get more information of past calls created.

Why would this be beneficial?: Call numbers are vital to keep organized throughout the dispatch panel of the CAD. When more than 5 calls are created, using a call number will kill confusion between the dispatcher and the patrol units. Having a call archive section could help with reopening calls that were accidentally deleted, getting more information on 9-1-1 calls relating to a past situation that has occured, and get more information on repeat offenders. Sometimes, the same individual will commit the same crime within hours apart. In the case that an officer needs to match up similarities between the crimes, having a call archive to see the call notes could help drastically.

Any reason this would be unbeneficial?: No, the only thing I could see is this would just add another button under the "Dispatch Actions" section which could add crowding depending on the development of the CAD.

Attachment: The attachment below shows the area I am talking about in a poorly photoshopped manner; however, this is the general idea.


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I personally think this is something that should be implemented if at all possible, it definitely adds to the realism aspect of things. Coming from a former telecommunicator (call taker / dispatcher), this would be similar to how its done IRL as the calls are always recorded and stored for any review deemed necessary by supervisors/department heads should the need arise.


Active member
Although this would be a fantastic feature, I'll point this out since I know a lot of people don't understand the development side of things. I'll try to put it in simple words.

With our old cad we used (OpenCAD), it stored every single call which eventually made the cad super slow to the point where it took minutes to even just do a simple action as to going 10-8 or 10-7. Ask some OG members around, they will tell you how slow it actually was (lul).

One of the main reasons our new cad isn't slow is because it doesn't keep a ton of old/useless records in the database. It's clean and only holds important information, and when it gets to a point where it's not important, it deletes the data.

Hopefully, this makes some sort of sense and clears up why this isn't a feature on our new cad system.
Although this would be a fantastic feature, I'll point this out since I know a lot of people don't understand the development side of things. I'll try to put it in simple words.

With our old cad we used (OpenCAD), it stored every single call which eventually made the cad super slow to the point where it took minutes to even just do a simple action as to going 10-8 or 10-7. Ask some OG members around, they will tell you how slow it actually was (lul).

One of the main reasons our new cad isn't slow is because it doesn't keep a ton of old/useless records in the database. It's clean and only holds important information, and when it gets to a point where it's not important, it deletes the data.

Hopefully, this makes some sort of sense and clears up why this isn't a feature on our new cad system.
Fair enough, that makes complete sense to me. I can totally understand as to why that would happen.

I don't suppose there would be a way to say, it would be possible to start deleting them after a week or so? (Sort of like a security camera DVR that overwrites if things aren't saved). Something along the lines of what you are saying as well.