Hi! Its May already holy shit.

So, I guess its already May... 1 day until my birthday.

But whatever, I want to ask you guys what you wish to see in the future on the server as in features and so on.

Write it down here!

Also tell me how you are. :)

Stay safe and healthy!

Brad W.

New member
Would love for Whitelist to make a return

Im not bad, the UK's COVID Lockdown is gradually being lifted so I can actually leave the house now which is cool how are you?
Would love for Whitelist to make a return

Im not bad, the UK's COVID Lockdown is gradually being lifted so I can actually leave the house now which is cool how are you?

I am alright, currently doing my motorcycle and learning for my exams that are coming up.
I am also kind of angry because I haven't passed my eye sight test for my Licence :(