Ramesh D.
New member
Explanation I'm not here to tell the directors what they should do, I just want to give my own opinion, and of course I think the directors should do what they think benefits them the most. They are the ones that do what they wish, anyways.
I personally was never for the whitelist/allowlist. There has been a downward trend in players recently, and I would like to do my part! I'm sorry if people don't agree. Obviously, I want people to give there own advice for the Directors and Developers, so send your own ideas if you disagree/agree please. This suggestion is based off of Luke's comment on "make the server whitelisted":
Luke H: "I like the idea for whitelist, but I think for the survival of the server it should stay public."
Some things the directors could consider:
A) Since the server is max 75 population, you could buy a sponsor from a small FiveM creator, TikTok or YouTube.
Benefits for option A
1) It will make the server max pop, gain profit from donator options like "Queue Skip" where you're able to skip a player queue for donating when people are trying to get into a full server. (this is if you're buying a big sponsor spot though)
2) Server would have more population (big benefits for departments and influx of applications)
3) Development of loyal players and word of mouth reviews.
Cons for option A
1) Can be pricey!
2) Can end up making the creator the "face of the server" and make him seem like an owner.
3) Server would have to look the best at the time of their showcase.
B) Ping everyone, ask for serious roleplay, since there is over 4,000 members in the public discord server.
Benefits for option B
1) Obvious benefits as mentioned previously:
"1) Itwillmight make the server max pop, gain profit from donator options like "Queue Skip" where you're able to skip a player queue for donating when people are trying to get into a full server. (this is if you're buying a big sponsor spot though) 2) Server would have more population (big benefits for departments and influx of applications) 3) Development of loyal players and word of mouth reviews."
2) More discussion in the discord, and more activity.
3) Completely free and has no serious risks.
Cons for option B
1) Could start staff/director disrespect issues.
2) Unwanted pings and notifications.
C) Create server events, designed to ping everyone and also give a fun event which might bring people to the server (probably more than the previous option).
Benefits for option C
1) Obvious benefits as mentioned previously:
3) Completely free and has no serious risks.
Cons for option B
1) Could start staff/director disrespect issues.
2) Unwanted pings and notifications.
C) Create server events, designed to ping everyone and also give a fun event which might bring people to the server (probably more than the previous option).
Benefits for option C
1) Obvious benefits as mentioned previously:
1) Itwillmight make the server max pop, gain profit from donator options like "Queue Skip" where you're able to skip a player queue for donating when people are trying to get into a full server. (this is if you're buying a big sponsor spot though) 2) Server would have more population (big benefits for departments and influx of applications) 3) Development of loyal players and word of mouth reviews.
2) Can be easily make pinging have a reason, instead of just "lets get people on".
3) Extremely fun events!*
Cons for option C
1) Unwanted pings and notifications. (a lot less?)
2) Would take setup from every side: directors, staff, and developers.
3) Extremely fun events!*
Cons for option C
1) Unwanted pings and notifications. (a lot less?)
2) Would take setup from every side: directors, staff, and developers.