Ramesh D.
New member
Each box represents a different person in my friend group. Most of them wanted to stay anonymous when making comments.
All comments in this forum post was made to better the server, not ridicule.
There would have been another box if one of my friends didn't leave for a police acadamy meet before writing this. (they might add their comments in a separate reply later)
All comments in this forum post was made to better the server, not ridicule.
There would have been another box if one of my friends didn't leave for a police acadamy meet before writing this. (they might add their comments in a separate reply later)
1) Lack of staff intervention in horrible scenes such as the shootings that happen on Grove St. when a cop even tries to defend themself.
I donΓÇÖt think that the police officer should get shot at by 5+ other people when in their own police traffic stop. Their excuse for these situations might be ΓÇ£they shot firstΓÇ¥. If I am to trust the training of law enforcement departments such as my own, the Dallas County Sheriff's Office, they should not have shot for an invalid reason. Groups such as the Larsons, Swoodens, Hernandez, and many others which have gone down due to the pressure of the community that was put on them - or at least they do not commit the crimes that they used to. If a cop was ΓÇ£shooting firstΓÇ¥, I think that the appropriate action for the situation would be to clip it and ship it to the appropriate internal affairs group of their department, not shooting at that law enforcement department member because ΓÇ£they shot firstΓÇ¥. My friend group (it was called the 'Swoodens' back then) got warned for RDM for killing every cop on duty like this group did (we had a roleplay attached to it of course). This group does the same thing. Doesn't even get warned. Why the special treatment?
These groups on the server that still live today are "mildly" toxic, too:
ΓÇ£You shot first lmao, any issues you have sort it out in rp not crying in discordΓÇ¥
ΓÇ£Just you seem to be lying dead on the floor and complainingΓÇ¥
ΓÇ£Then why are you crying in discord?ΓÇ¥
2) Applied LEOs complaining in character about something like ΓÇ£I shot you in the head I have no clue how youΓÇÖre still aliveΓÇ¥ when checking in /me for a playerΓÇÖs injuries. No one should be complaining about the injuries that their character SHOULD be evaluating.
Also, let me say that the change making headshots do the same damage as body shots made this impossible to tell. It makes everything confusing when exchanging /me-s for player injuries.
In my experience, playing on TXDPSRP has been great for the most part, but sometimes it gets rough. For example, I feel the professionalism of law enforcement officers is coming down a lot. In my eyes it seems as though they are joking around way more and not taking it as seriously. Saying ΓÇ£DonΓÇÖt care bozo. Ratio-edΓÇ¥ and other jokes, I just donΓÇÖt think should be said, at least while on as an LEO. Like yes, it is funny, but youΓÇÖre supposed to be professional. Another thing to add is the server population is dying and getting smaller. There might be some ways to fix this by advertising, but I donΓÇÖt think that is allowed. I feel if we expand the population of the server while recruiting more staff members, it would be a great idea. Because of the pop. being so low most of the time, my friends and I never get on. More people equals better roleplay, if the right amount of staff is on at all times. Finally, the last thing I like to add is the ΓÇ£realisticΓÇ¥ aspect of the roleplay. IΓÇÖve seen officers being hit by a city bus and get up fine, shot multiple times in the face and walk away, driving totaled cars down the road at 125+ mph and many more. This goes along with civilians as well being shot and still talking afterwards, ramming multiple times and driving away safely, launching 30 feet in the air and having ΓÇ£no damageΓÇ¥. The list could go on. I just feel we might need stricter rules for driving and possibly having one staff member watching all scenes, in case of this occurrence, just an idea though.
I can no longer enjoy the TXDPSRP server because there's nobody on the server anymore. As well as the booger gang which totally ruins the whole RP experience. All you guys did was tell them to let off the Gang RP for a day and then they were back to doing gang RP the next day. At this point I'm considering finding a new server. I want to stay on this server so much but I canΓÇÖt enjoy a server if thereΓÇÖs nobody ever on. I would mention more but I havenΓÇÖt been on the server long enough to experience any other flaws.
Quality of RP over the 1 year and 2 months IΓÇÖve been on the server has been going down at a fast pace. People need to start to try and do more in-depth roleplays. I think that ESX will help this a lot. I was on as a cop the other day and there were just 2 cops on the radio, and there was at least 8 different calls including bank robberies. For example, the type of calls I saw were cop kidnapping, random shootings out of your car (drive-bys), not fearing your life enough, etc. No fear for life is a big thing, like when 2 armed robbers try and hold a cop at gunpoint, and they just run away like nothing happened. Then if/when we shoot at them I feel like I would get punished for RDM and NITRP, I would like to see the no fear for life rule be enforced. I think it's perfectly fine if you're being held up by one person they could take actions, but if held up at gunpoint from 2+ people you would have to comply. If you were the only LEO on it would be fine just to ignore them or just not comply because you would not be able to get helped or saved by others. I also feel like you can't use discord to talk over in-game things like ΓÇ£come over here I'm dead / held upΓÇ£ because if youΓÇÖre dead or being held up you would not be able to just tell them without them the person that shot you or the person that is holding you up and they try and play it off like ΓÇ£oh i'm just checking up over hereΓÇ£ when you know for sure that they are using discord/meta-gaming with this I feel like if your trying to roleplay (the rightish way) you would have to be in a radio and talk it there and not in a discord call. Finally the last thing I would like to say is if we ever get a paid promo in the server, I think it would be good, because just in the last 2 weeks we had 61 players on at once. I'm pretty sure I can speak for the server here when I say that the server for what it is, needs to have that pop more often I'm not saying 61 players every day but at least 30+ people on at peak times and if we get a paid promo I think it would boost the server at least by 2-3x.