Roleplay quality

Connor W.



First off I do not want this to come out as disrespecting the server. But after months of watching what is currently going on in TX needs to be brought up. I joined TX back in November 25th 2020, (and Niko joined Febuary 7th 2021) and it was exceptional for my first FiveM server, but the quality of RP has drastically dropped since then. Both parties are at fault, applied members and the civilians.

Roleplay Quality
Applied members get away with a lot in terms of unrealistic driving, and not following the Use of Force section in your SOP. For starters I have seen officers crash their cars at 75+ and still drive, officers stealing other officers vehicles and locking it through the F1 menu just to be a troll, officers being completely unprofessional on duty, and pursuits that should have been shut down before anyone has the chance to yell ΓÇ£10-80ΓÇ¥ over RTO. I know almost every LEO falls into one of those statements, and I am not publicly calling them out for it. All I am pointing out is that when cops say ΓÇ£The RP is bad because the civilians canΓÇÖt RPΓÇ¥ obviously need to take a step back, and look at the facts. Before moving toward what the civilians can do to create better RP, I have to give credit to a Game Warden who is taking the cake on leaving pursuits after a minor fender bender, or a massive crash and actually roleplaying them out. GW-61 Mr. Bechtol I commend you for taking that extra step. The civilians for the past couple months have strived to do three different types of calls : Shots fired, robberies, and 10-80ΓÇÖs. There will be a couple civilians who will create a scene that does not require any force but a small investigation, but those are rare and underappreciated. A suggestion would not be complete without an actual solution to the madness, here are a couple that could create better RP moments on TX.

Bringing Peacetime Back
Peacetime was something that controlled the RP across the server. When PT was removed, people felt the need to do shootings, etc. I donΓÇÖt want to make PT sound like a bad thing, I liked PT, and many others can hopefully agree with me. PT should return for the time being, I know peacetime was removed for a reason but when it was removed we had 8 - 12 LEOΓÇÖs on a day to deal with them.

Returning Unrealistic Driving
Unrealistic driving was a rule to ensure that nobody was doing actions that are too un-legit while driving. ItΓÇÖs interesting, it really is. Down the road, unrealistic driving was removed, which led to nobody caring how they drove. I would proudly like to say that unrealistic driving should be a rule again because it should stop people from doing un-legit things on the road. IΓÇÖve been on multiple pursuits with LEOΓÇÖs in high speed cars driving upwards of 120 MPH in the dirt. Realistically, the vehicle suspension would be bent, the axle would be smashed, and the vehicle body would be totaled. From my perspective & opinion, unrealistic driving should also return as a rule, and be heavily enforced.

SOP Regulations
Applied LEOΓÇÖs get away with a lot from breaking their SOP, or server rules. Not stating that officers break rules constantly but they also need to be looked at. Leaning back toward breaking SOP, I have seen multiple officers from multiple departments break or bend the SOP and they do not get in trouble. The biggest reason people are not filling out report forms is that they do not want to seem like the bad guy for getting a person striked, suspended, or removed from the department. Or they feel like the person they are reporting is going to have it out for them and a group of people are going to get them blacklisted, I know officers suffer with that last one since I suffer with it as well. A way to prevent anything like this from happening to people is to strictly enforce that as a IA member you cannot say or hint at any report you have received or you will be immediately removed and blacklisted from IA for the safety and anonymity of the reporter.


I hope that this does not stir up an argument under this suggestion, I only hope for other members to show that they care by also suggesting and improving on what myself and Niko have said today. Even a simple thumbs up shows that you agree that in some sort of way, the people need to change to get a better quality experience in TX. Wear your seatbelt & have a safe Christmas.


New member
Just wanted to start off by saying that Connor & Niko did a tremendous job on this suggestion! Outstanding work gentlemen. I shall say that I definitely agree with your statements & suggestions, and I personally believe many people agree with you as well. I would love to say some of my opinions and respond back to your statements. Remember, these are my opinions and hopefully this suggestion doesn't turn out to be an argument.

I strongly agree with your reasons for the section ΓÇ£ Roleplay QualityΓÇ¥. I find your statements accurate. I have also seen some officers who've acted very unprofessional while on duty. IΓÇÖm positive that every LEO department has a SOP ( Standard Operating Procedure ) stating that ΓÇ£ Unprofessionalism is NOT tolerated on/ off dutyΓÇ¥ Or anything similar to that meaning. As well as for a ΓÇ£ Use of Force Continuum ''. However some LEOΓÇÖs are uncommitted to follow the SOP Guidelines which is definitely a red flag and should be brought to their Department Internal Affairs Team or to their Supervisors. I personally think the quality of the Roleplay on the server has fallen tremendous. It's been constantly unnecessary shootings, 10-80ΓÇÖs, Armed Robberies, Kidnappings. It's absolutely ridiculous how many calls there are for Bank Robberies with not sufficient officers on duty. As a Supervisor for the Dallas County Sheriff Office, I have terminated multiple unnecessary vehicle pursuits. Those 10-80ΓÇÖs that I have terminated were people taking off for just a simple traffic violation ( red lights, stop sign, illegal u-turn, speeding, reckless driving, failure to maintain lanes ). If I'm not mistaken, each LEO department has a section of Pursuit Regulations, or similar to the meaning. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please review your Table of Contents on your department SOP. In my opinion, Officers should take in consideration the seriousness of the known or reasonably suspected crime, weather, traffic and road conditions, performance capabilities of the vehicles used in the pursuit, Vehicle Speeds and much more. The safety of the public is our top priority.

For the section of ΓÇ£ Bringing Peacetime BackΓÇ¥ I feel like it is a great idea to bring back and take into place temporally. I remember when I first joined the server which was 3-27-2021 @15:33 exact. Peacetime was in effect at the time. I think that it definitely helped maintain and control the serverΓÇÖs RP. There were so many passive RP scenes, calls, and traffic stops. But as it stated in the text, ΓÇ£ I know peacetime was removed for a reason but when it was removed we had 8 - 12 LEOΓÇÖs on a day to deal with them.ΓÇ¥ We had the sufficient units on duty to deal with the priorities, but now there has been so much inactivity on the server lately. There were some points where we have about 2 - 5 LEOS on duty with about 20 + CIVS on. All I could say was that it was chaotic. There have been some points that officers didn't want to get on duty any more due to the non-stop shootings, 10-80ΓÇÖs, Bank Robberies, 10-99ΓÇÖs. And I canΓÇÖt blame them for getting off.

The section of the ΓÇ£ Returning Unrealistic DrivingΓÇ¥ rule was definitely a good rule that was sadly removed. I definitely agree that it should make a return to the rules on the server. Back then the rule was definitely enforced and I was glad it was. I have seen some vehicle pursuits that had to be 22ΓÇÖed due to the driver going like 130 mph and sending it over a goddamn cliff, flipping about 20 times, and continuing like nothing happened.. ΓÇ£Oh, just a small dent it could still go.ΓÇ¥ This rule definitely enforced each pursuit to make the vehicle pursuit become ΓÇ£legitΓÇ¥. But when the rule was removed, people have now started doing 10-80ΓÇÖs crashing into about 5-10 locals, a mailbox, a light pole, going off a ramp, flipping about 10 times, crashing about another 10 times again and still somehow continuing. I could probably assure you that if I did that IRL IΓÇÖll probably be 6 ft down in the ground in a casket. I personally think this rule should be enforced again.

Lastly, for the section of ΓÇ£ SOP RegulationsΓÇ¥ I definitely agree with you on that statement ΓÇ£The biggest reason people are not filling out report forms is that they do not want to seem like the bad guy for getting a person striked, suspended, or removed from the department. Or they feel like the person they are reporting is going to have it out for them and a group of people are going to get them blacklisted..ΓÇ¥ I could say that I'm sure this statement is accurate because back then that's how I felt. I didn't want to become the ΓÇ£ bad guyΓÇ¥ and report on somebody. But over the past couple months I managed to overcome that situation.

That’s all I have to say for tonight… welp if you look at that, its currently 12:48 am December 25,2021.. Merry Christmas everyone, I should probably go to sleep now lol… btw Ice is a bozo… oh if you are wondering on the word count on this it is ; 907 words, 5,113 characters.

If you have any questions or concerns, or need more clarification on something I said, you could reply to me on the forums or directly message me.. Discord is : RankzGG#6045

  • Osvaldo D.


New member
Unrealistic driving shouldnΓÇÖt be brought back. Anyone can drive unrealistic in real life so no need to make it an offence here. Peacetime shouldnΓÇÖt be brought back, yeah passive rp is wanted but gets boring waiting hours while people do the same rp scene. You shouldnΓÇÖt be forced to wait 20 mins just to do a 10-80.


Unrealistic driving shouldnΓÇÖt be brought back. Anyone can drive unrealistic in real life so no need to make it an offence here. Peacetime shouldnΓÇÖt be brought back, yeah passive rp is wanted but gets boring waiting hours while people do the same rp scene. You shouldnΓÇÖt be forced to wait 20 mins just to do a 10-80.
Unrealistic driving rule should be brought back, "unrealistic in real life" is the dumbest thing I've heard this week


New member
Unrealistic driving shouldnΓÇÖt be brought back. Anyone can drive unrealistic in real life so no need to make it an offence here. Peacetime shouldnΓÇÖt be brought back, yeah passive rp is wanted but gets boring waiting hours while people do the same rp scene. You shouldnΓÇÖt be forced to wait 20 mins just to do a 10-80.

I have to say, I find your response for the “Unrealistic driving” invalid, perhaps can you provide a precise explanation? Based on your response “ Anyone can drive unrealistic in real life” I find it implausible…. I could assure that if you go head on into a vehicle at speeds over 100 mph + your vehicle will not be driveable, or when a vehicle does about over 5+ barrel rolls and colliding with multiple vehicles at high speeds, your vehicle will most likely not continue. I say this to both CIVS & LEOS. I do understand that desync comes into foul play sometimes, but I’m pretty sure we all know the difference between de-syncing and crashing into 10+ vehicles on purpose.

And onto your 2 response for ΓÇ£ Bringing Peacetime BackΓÇ¥ I find it hysterical. Based on what you said and I must quote.. ΓÇ£ yeah passive rp is wanted but gets boring waiting hours while people do the same rp scene.ΓÇ¥ From an applied member perspective I could tell you that these 10-80ΓÇÖs, Armed Robberies, Kidnappings, shootouts have been getting boring, and this has been for the past couple of months. ItΓÇÖs like everyone does the same RP scenes which are always constant 10-80ΓÇÖs, Bank Robberies, and shootouts.

And I must agree with Ethan, ΓÇ£ Unrealistic in real lifeΓÇ¥ is probably the most absurd thing I have ever heard.

Those are my thoughts & responses, I say that all in a respectful manner.

  • Osvaldo D.


Community Executive
Unrealistic Driving was removed because people would report for the most idiotic shit and you cannot really define what Unrealistic Driving is to put in an example, speeds on and off-road are not and were never punished for on a server/staff side. Only departments would enforce that a while back then we changed that because we found it to be stupid. Fail RP is there for people being dumbasses. I get where a lot of it is coming from but people need to remember this is GTAV (a video game not real life) so you cannot expect people to do things super mega ultra-realistic.

SOPs have regulations and things to follow if someone feels bad for getting someone in trouble by reporting them, I cannot say much about it. Not much anyone can do if no one reports because they feel bad about it.


I can say when I get on at those rare times, I will put on PT for more than 1 hour and there is no roleplay that comes out of it. The main issue with the RP, in general, is that it isn't RP it is GTA:O with friends in Discord basically. If things were truly RP then things would be RP'd out to the fullest extent, but no one cares to do that or anything close to it. You have the current groups in the server that just go around and murder cops, that is what they think RP is, but that is just GTA:O or Freemode shit. There has never been any true RP in the server and there is nothing that we as staff can do to change that, unfortunately, it is something the player base itself has to work on, and no, forcing rules upon people won't change it, We have already tried that.

But overall I cannot argue much here because I pushed forward those changes in the first place and whatever I say or do is wrong and everyone is always right (y)
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New member
Unrealistic Driving was removed because people would report for the most idiotic shit and you cannot really define what Unrealistic Driving is to put in an example, speeds on and off-road are not and were never punished for on a server/staff side. Only departments would enforce that a while back then we changed that because we found it to be stupid. Fail RP is there for people being dumbasses. I get where a lot of it is coming from but people need to remember this is GTAV (a video game not real life) so you cannot expect people to do things super mega ultra-realistic.

SOPs have regulations and things to follow if someone feels bad for getting someone in trouble by reporting them, I cannot say much about it. Not much anyone can do if no one reports because they feel bad about it.


I can say when I get on at those rare times, I will put on PT for more than 1 hour and there is no roleplay that comes out of it. The main issue with the RP, in general, is that it isn't RP it is GTA:O with friends in Discord basically. If things were truly RP then things would be RP'd out to the fullest extent, but no one cares to do that or anything close to it. You have the current groups in the server that just go around and murder cops, that is what they think RP is, but that is just GTA:O or Freemode shit. There has never been any true RP in the server and there is nothing that we as staff can do to change that, unfortunately, it is something the player base itself has to work on, and no, forcing rules upon people won't change it, We have already tried that.

But overall I cannot argue much here because I pushed forward those changes in the first place and whatever I say or do is wrong and everyone is always right (y)
I completely agree with you on this Vincent, thank you for the feedback.

Connor W.

Unrealistic Driving was removed because people would report for the most idiotic shit and you cannot really define what Unrealistic Driving is to put in an example, speeds on and off-road are not and were never punished for on a server/staff side. Only departments would enforce that a while back then we changed that because we found it to be stupid. Fail RP is there for people being dumbasses. I get where a lot of it is coming from but people need to remember this is GTAV (a video game not real life) so you cannot expect people to do things super mega ultra-realistic.

SOPs have regulations and things to follow if someone feels bad for getting someone in trouble by reporting them, I cannot say much about it. Not much anyone can do if no one reports because they feel bad about it.


I can say when I get on at those rare times, I will put on PT for more than 1 hour and there is no roleplay that comes out of it. The main issue with the RP, in general, is that it isn't RP it is GTA:O with friends in Discord basically. If things were truly RP then things would be RP'd out to the fullest extent, but no one cares to do that or anything close to it. You have the current groups in the server that just go around and murder cops, that is what they think RP is, but that is just GTA:O or Freemode shit. There has never been any true RP in the server and there is nothing that we as staff can do to change that, unfortunately, it is something the player base itself has to work on, and no, forcing rules upon people won't change it, We have already tried that.

But overall I cannot argue much here because I pushed forward those changes in the first place and whatever I say or do is wrong and everyone is always right
Thank you for a reply Vincent, and I agree with most of the statements.
- Appreciate you saying why unrealistic driving was removed, I never knew the exact reason of why it was taken out from the server and it make sense now. For the people who feel bad for reporting people, I mostly wanted to point out that a majority of people are scared to report other people because they believe the person they reported will find out, still not a lot command staff can do to fix that since it is hard to figure out if a person is going to leak anything like IA cases. Adding on to what you said about PT, I agree with you that no RP comes from peacetime being on. But police still enjoy the fact that they will know that the person they pull over is not going to shoot them or run, giving them a actual traffic stop that does not end in a 10-80 or 10-99. I do appreciate the feedback, and thank you for taking the time to reply.