Remove crosshair

4B-50 Chris W.

New member
I just think that the reason the crosshair should be removed is the fact they brought back one shot headshot and just the advantage some people have over others like when LEOS are in a vehicle chase the person being chased could pull out a pistol an one shot a cop and could ruin the chase in someway and could affect the Rp and I do understand that you can disable the crosshair but there is really no point cause 9 times out of 10 the other person is going to have there crosshair on.
I just think that the reason the crosshair should be removed is the fact they brought back one shot headshot and just the advantage some people have over others like when LEOS are in a vehicle chase the person being chased could pull out a pistol an one shot a cop and could ruin the chase in someway and could affect the Rp and I do understand that you can disable the crosshair but there is really no point cause 9 times out of 10 the other person is going to have there crosshair on.
I 100% get what you are getting at with your statement, but people had crosshairs even before the in-game one's were added, if the crosshairs were to be removed, It does not stop anyone from still having a crosshair.


I just think that the reason the crosshair should be removed is the fact they brought back one shot headshot and just the advantage some people have over others like when LEOS are in a vehicle chase the person being chased could pull out a pistol an one shot a cop and could ruin the chase in someway and could affect the Rp and I do understand that you can disable the crosshair but there is really no point cause 9 times out of 10 the other person is going to have there crosshair on.
100% agree because i have been hitting some insane shots lately with the crosshair and i feel like its to OP


Even if we were to remove it again, FiveM has one built in by default on all builds cl_customcrosshair [1 (Enabled) / 0 (Disabled)] and you can make it hide when your not scoped in using bind and seta commands in fivem.cfg like this

bind MOUSE_BUTTON MOUSE_RIGHT "+vstr showcrosshair hidecrosshair" seta "showcrosshair" "cl_customcrosshair 1" seta "hidecrosshair" "cl_customcrosshair 0"


Even if we were to remove it again, FiveM has one built in by default on all builds cl_customcrosshair [1 (Enabled) / 0 (Disabled)] and you can make it hide when your not scoped in using bind and seta commands in fivem.cfg like this

bind MOUSE_BUTTON MOUSE_RIGHT "+vstr showcrosshair hidecrosshair" seta "showcrosshair" "cl_customcrosshair 1" seta "hidecrosshair" "cl_customcrosshair 0"
bruh u should not show this power